Week 3

 Weekly Greetings!

I hope you all enjoyed the holiday weekend and the beautiful fall weather we have been having! This will be a short week, as there are only four days.  I will send home three days of enrichment homework, as the students continue to settle back into a school routine, and continue each week from now on. The homework will not be graded, but the students can earn prizes for returning the weekly assignments, and an additional prize if they do all the assigned work during the whole month. A spelling list and math facts practice will be included. In addition, there will a Reading Log each Monday to be returned on Friday. The students that have been reading regularly can participate in a "Seasonal Readers" incentive party per season. For example, the fall party would be the first week of December. The winter party will be the first week of March, and the spring party at the end of the year.

In this week's homework bag you will also find information about the school lunch program, and if you did not make it to the open house last week, I will be including a packet of information that I handed out that night. Additionally, I am sending a book order form if you would like to order books for your child. Please return the form to me by the 13th of September and send in cash or a check in my name. The simplest and quickest way for me to get the books here is to call the order in to the company and put it on my charge card.
A large part of last week went to MAP testing, and there are a few students that will still need to do make up testing. I did try to fit in a few fun activities though. Here are a couple of highlights from last week in regard to those activities.  As a closing to the Six Keys unit from the start of the year, and a growth mind set of persevering when things get hard, we made Turtle Bread to remind us of who won the race in the old traditional folk tale of the Tortoise and the Hare. I was so busy helping the large class and then baking four pans of bread, that I did not get many pictures. I hope you all got to see and sample a loaf that went home with each of the students!
 In Science, we made a trip to the school greenhouse to help harvest potatoes and get a little dirty for an experiment. To begin our healthy habits unit we started an experiment after digging potatoes using two sets of potatoes that were handled with dirty hands, and hands that were washed with soap or hand sanitize. The potatoes were bagged, and placed in a dark closet. We will check to see what happened this week.  I was surprised at how much fun the class had harvesting the potatoes as you can see from the pictures to follow.

As for this week, we will continue to stress the importance of washing hands and eating good foods to stay healthy. In addition, we will work through more lessons in the new math program and start a new reading unit.

Have a wonderful week!

Kind Regards,

Julie Brown


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