Week 12

 Weekly Greetings!

There are some important dates to relay to you before I recap last week. First, there will be a 1st Quarter awards and Student of the Month assembly on Tuesday, November 7, at 8:30am in the school gym.  I hope many of you can attend. Then Thursday, November 9, there will be a Veteran's Day assembly at 2:30pm. The students have been practicing some special songs to share in honor of those that have served our country. Finally, there will not be any school on Friday, November 10, due to Parent/Teacher conferences. I will be sending home an additional note with a time scheduled to visit with each of you. Please be looking for it on Monday.

Now, on to some highlights from last week. Of course, the beginning of the week was all about Halloween. We read some silly Halloween stories about pumpkins and then the class designed a face for the class jack-o-lantern. I did my best to carve it as they directed. Before the carving, we did a visualization activity and acted out the process of being a growing pumpkin attached to a vine, and being harvested. Next, we discussed actual pumpkin facts, guessed the weight of our pumpkin, and then measured pumpkin circumference. The seeds were saved, and were toasted to eat at our party on Tuesday.
The next day was Halloween, and the class was so good about doing their academic work in the morning. After lunch, we began our class celebration by playing some silly games in the gym before the Halloween parade.
Once everyone was in their full costume, we got a class picture with the jack-o-lantern.  Then the parade started and everyone marched around the halls with the rest of the elementary classes.
When the parade was done, the students got to watch a Halloween movie and eat all the wonderful snacks that many of you graciously provided. Thank you to all of you that contributed to and joined us at the party.
In Science, we have continued a unit on the States of Matter, and the students learned about density and matter this week. They did an experiment to test the density of three objects in three types of liquids.
 The next day they made posters and found pictures of items that represent three states of matter.
As for this week in science, we will continue to look at matter and also participate in an AK Teach Scientists in Action virtual field trip. We will join paleontologists behind-the-scenes at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science as they share their discoveries and discuss how scientific study of dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures inform our world today.

I look forward to meeting with you on Friday!

Kind Regards,

Julie Brown


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