Week 14

Weekly Greetings!

To start with, I want to remind you that we have only three days of school this week and on Wednesday the students will be released at 1:45pm. I will be sending homework home on Monday and Tuesday nights, but there will not be a spelling test this week. There are always some review words on the following week's list, so this week is just continued practice with a focus on r-controlled words with /ar/ and /or/.

Last week, the students worked on the district writing assessments and hopefully will finish their final drafts this week. With art on Wednesday, and a visit from Tim Lorenzini from the Tetlin Refuge, there was really only three days to work on their essay. Both of the special activities just mentioned, were a welcomed break to our routine. In art, the students worked with clay and made some really creative objects.
On Thursday in science, the class continued studying about matter and looked at chemical chances that can take place with certain solids and liquids. I am sure some of you heard about the chemical reaction that happened when putting baking soda into vinegar.
The visit from Tim Lorenzinz was to introduce the class to the Migratory Bird Calendar contest that is done yearly in Alaska. The theme this year is "Birds Bouncing Back". After the introduction to the contest and theme, students picked a migratory bird they would like to learn about and draw. We will be working on the entries off and on until the deadline to enter in early February. There is also a literary area that I hope to focus on after the Christmas break.
After the Thanksgiving break, we will have just four more weeks before the end of our first semester, and one of those weeks will be focused on the second round of MAP testing. Our class will start on Tuesday, November 27, so hopefully everyone will be well rested after a four-day break.

Stay well and I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Kind Regards,

Julie Brown


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