Week 17

Weekly Greetings!

There are just two more weeks before we break for the holidays. I am continuing our regular routines through this week, but we will have a different focus for next week. As for last week, in addition to the regular councilor visit to focus on conflict resolution, I have also added a social skills time to focus on more cooperation in our classroom. During the last few weeks of working on the district writing assessment, cold spell, and MAP testing the students seemed more irritable with each other. There were more complaints of negative comments outside of the class, and I would catch students snickering at times in the classroom. I have talked with the class about this, and we are now looking at ways to encourage and lift each other up with positive comments. We have started a new board, and will continue it this week. Unfortunately, I have lost or misplaced my camera with additional pictures from the activity so I was only able to snap the picture to follow with my phone.
With the warmer weather last week, the students were happier about their outside recesses. It also helped that there are now sleds to use on the small hill behind the playground. Other big events for many of them were the start of Little Dribblers on Wednesday, and a hockey competition over the weekend. I think these activities will help the darker days pass more quickly. 

I hope you have a wonderful week!

Kind Regards,

Julie Brown


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