Week 21

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone has had a pleasant break, and that the students are ready to be back to school. As we return, we will have a four-day week with an early release on Thursday. I think it will help ease us all back into the school routine again.

The last week of school before Christmas was really busy, with many special activities. To highlight just a few, the students read some traditional stories to compare and contrast different fairy tale versions. The Gingerbread Man and The Ninjabread Man were the main two; of course we had to make gingerbread cookies after the lesson to eat at our party that Friday.
 There were also a few gifts to complete in the classroom and in the art room.
On Tuesday night, the students preformed with excellence at the Christmas Concert! Many hours of practice paid off, and everyone enjoyed the evening.
We did press on with math and science assignments during the week between all the special activities and crafts. Over the next two weeks we will be finishing our study on organisms in science, and in math we will start a new chapter in MyMath.
A few days after reading The Gingerbread Man, the class compared and contrasted it with The Gingerbread Baby. The main difference was the ending when the main character captures the gingerbread baby in a gingerbread house. That was a great excuse to build gingerbread houses out of gram crackers with lots of frosting and candy. I was really impressed at how creative the students got with the challenge!
The week flew by, and Friday was full of Christmas excitement. The students still needed to take a math test to complete a unit, but had some free time to just enjoy each other before lunch and the class party afterward. Thank you all for the food and treats that were supplied for the party at the end of the day. I forgot to snap some pictures, but two tables were full of goodies to eat while watching a short Christmas movie.
Regular homework and spelling will be sent home Monday through Wednesday as usual. I hope you all have a healthy and warm week.

Kind Regards,

Julie Brown


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