
Showing posts from March, 2018

Week 32

Weekly Greetings! The fourth quarter has begun, and we are now on the home stretch of the school year. After the last round of tests that are coming up in April for the state PEAKS requirements, I hope to get the class out for a few field trips in May to wrap up our year. As I discussed with many of you over Spring Break, one of the field trips will be a fun day to Fort Greely to go swimming. I wasn't able to contact everyone, but all the families I did talk with were open to doing a bake sale Saturday, March 31 during the adult basketball games at the school. I am thinking we can start at 1pm and stay until we sell everything donated. Please contribute what ever you can to help out, and hopefully we will only have to do one fundraiser. As for a recap from the week before break, it was very full of special activities. We started the week with the Science Fair, and the class did really good explaining our experiment to the judges. They also flew the Magnus Gliders to show how th...

Week 30

Weekly Greetings! This is our last week before Spring Break and I think everyone one is ready! Also, please remember that there will be another early release this Friday. Other happenings for the week are the Science Fair at 12 to 2pm on Monday, and the awards for the most hours read during the incentive program will be on Wednesday from 2:30 to 3pm. In addition, the class will have art with Mrs. Shauna Lee on Wednesday. As for some highlights from last week, the class had some time in the new STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) room during their library time on Monday.  After Spring Break, I hope to schedule some regular slots for the students to explore the resources available in the new room. Then on Wednesday, the class went to the simulated slumber party reading time. Many of the 4th graders are hooked on the reading program MyOn, and chose to read books electronically. In between the special activities, we were also doing...

Week 29

Weekly Greetings! Thank you to those that have started sending in food items for the Food Bank. Please continue to search your pantries for any things you are not using. We still have a couple more weeks to gather food in the competition. Another piece of important information you need to be aware of is that for the next two Fridays, there will be an early release at 1:45pm. Also, Spring Break will be the week of March 19 through 23. There is a lot of additional information to share with you about this week of school. First, I would like to remind you that we will be doing more testing this week on Tuesday and Thursday. Furthermore, we will start the district writing assessment on Monday and have two weeks to complete it. In between juggling those priority items, we will try to fit in a class Science Fair project. Last Friday, I just found out that there will be a school Science Fair on Monday, March 12.  I would have preferred for the class to work in small groups and research...