Week 30

Weekly Greetings!

This is our last week before Spring Break and I think everyone one is ready! Also, please remember that there will be another early release this Friday. Other happenings for the week are the Science Fair at 12 to 2pm on Monday, and the awards for the most hours read during the incentive program will be on Wednesday from 2:30 to 3pm. In addition, the class will have art with Mrs. Shauna Lee on Wednesday.

As for some highlights from last week, the class had some time in the new STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) room during their library time on Monday.  After Spring Break, I hope to schedule some regular slots for the students to explore the resources available in the new room.
Then on Wednesday, the class went to the simulated slumber party reading time. Many of the 4th graders are hooked on the reading program MyOn, and chose to read books electronically.
In between the special activities, we were also doing the district writing assessment and MAP testing. When possible during the week, we were watching videos to develop background knowledge and questions about the Magnus Effect for a Science Fair project.  Originally, the thought was to show how the effect is created when putting a spin on balls to make them travel farther. Through the investigation,  we found that putting a spin on cup gliders could create the same Magnus Effect. So, a variety of cup gliders were made to test which size would travel the farthest when launched.
The hypothesis the class developed was that the smallest cups would travel the longest distance, because the glider would be lighter. We found that most of the gliders traveled about the same distance, but the smallest cup glider went slower and did travel a little farther than most.
Once the information was gathered and typed, the students that were done with their writing for the week put together the final project information. The next step is to explain what they learned to the judges at the Science Fair.
In other areas this week, we will continue to do independent work in math and complete the novel unit in reading. Also, we will return to the Alaska Studies unit as we focused all the spare time we had on Science last week.

The local Food Bank is still collecting items for the food drive, and things can be sent to school through Monday March 26. Furthermore, I will be placing a book order soon so please return any orders by this Friday.

Enjoy the warm weather!

Kind Regards,

Julie Brown


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