Week 34

 Weekly Greetings!

This week will be starting off with parent meetings, and when the students return on Tuesday they will have another morning of PEAKS testing. Wednesday will be the same, so not only is our week short but it also leaves limited morning time for our regular reading routine. For that reason, I will not be sending home spelling words with homework this week. The PEAKS tests will be long, and take a lot of the student's concentration to complete. So, please remember that your child will need to be well rested and on time those two days. In the afternoon on Tuesday, the class will have there monthly art time with Ms. Shauna Lee, and on Thursday afternoon they will attend a special US Forestry presentation. Every Thursday, the class is signed up to use the STEAM room and they are looking forward to that time. They had a great time last week exploring cubelets with sensors, and creating structures with legos.  

Later on Thursday, there was a basketball game against the Mentasta 3rd and 4th grades that was planned suddenly the day before. A few students from our class that were a part of the Little Dribblers earlier this year, helped make up a Tok team. The rest of the class cheered them on to a win.
I don't know if your child has talked about it much, but in music class they are working on musical presentation for the Spring Concert that will be held on Tuesday, May 1st at 2pm so save the date.

Have a great week and kind regards,

Julie Brown


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