Week 36

Weekly Greetings!

The end of the school year is rapidly drawing to an end! We continue to press on, and will maximize the last few weeks to the fullest! A big event this week will be the UAF Planetarium visit on Thursday. The students will have a presentation during the day, but there will also be a Family Night in the gym from 6 to 8pm. Additionally, I currently have some field trips planned starting next week, so I am just going to send a packet of permission slips out at once to make sure everything is in place well in advance.

As for last week, we made some planting pots and later planted seeds to discuss Earth Day. Furthermore, the students did a packet on ways to recycle and reuse containers on Friday.
After using the STEAM room on Thursday to make the plant containers, the students continued to create and explore other resources in the room.
As a rock cycle review in Science on Thursday, the students were able to simulate the effects of weathering to make sentiments, and then press the sentiment together for the metamorphic rock. Finally, I melted the material to make the effect of magma. It is too bad we had a number of students absent that day.
 I hope you have an awesome week!

Kind Regards,

Julie Brown


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