Week 37

Weekly Greetings, To start with, I want to remind you of a couple of important events this week. The first is the Spring Concert on this Tuesday, May 1. There will be two showings and some students will have certain roles in the afternoon or evening musical. Your child should know what roles they have, and in which time slot. The afternoon concert will be at 2pm and the evening show will start at 6pm. In addition, we will be doing a mock trial of The Three Little Bears verses Gold E. Locks on Thursday at 1pm at the Tok Court House. For both events, the students have been working really hard on their roles. I hope you all can make it to see how well they preform. In between trying to complete some units of studies last week, there was a Chess tournament on Wednesday with two fourth graders in the competition. They were in and out of the classroom as they advanced throughout the day. On Thursday, we enjoyed viewing the stars in the mobile planetarium and presentation f...